CBET Courses

What is CBET ?

 It is a methodology used to deliver technical and vocational education and training that focuses on what the learner “should be able to do” at the end of a learning experience.  It is a flexible modular based system where a learner can obtain as many modules as they wish to lead to the certification they need.

The Courses is aimed at equipping individuals with the necessary tools to:

  • Plan competence- based training and assessment programmes using occupational standards and N/CVQs developed by industry
  • Deliver these programmes using competence – based methods
  • Review training  programmes
  • Deliver quality service to customers


All Course levels recognize the graduates capacity for initiative and judgment across a broad range of technical and management functions. Achievement Holders typically have personal responsibility and autonomy (semi-independence) in performing technical operations or organizing others in the workplace.

Provided by the Maasai Mara Technical and Vocational College , this programme is available by lecture (in-person attendance), allowing you to study flexibly while balancing work and personal lifes. The department offers courses to sharpen and equip you with skills needed in the ever evolving workplace. It will help you to advance your career in finance and policy. 

Department Contact Info

Academics Department

P.O BOX 577- 20500 NAROK 

+254 799-213-300

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources

All CBET Courses
Examining Body : TVET/CDACC
  • Motorcycle Mechanics (level 3)KCSE Mean Grade D- (minus) and Below (Duration : 1 year )
  • Automotive mechanics (level 3)KCSE Mean Grade D- (minus ) and Below (Duration : 1 year)
  • Welding (level 4)KCSE Mean Grade D-(minus ) and Below (Duration : 1 year )
  • Electrical Installation (level 5) (Duration : 1⅟2years)KCSE Mean Grade D(plain)
  • Tourism and travel management (level5)KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) (Duration : 1⅟2years)
  • Laundry & Dry cleaning (level4)KCSE Mean Grade D-(minus ) and Below (Duration : 1⅟2years)
  • Food and beverage production(level 3)KCSE Mean Grade D-(minus ) and Below (Duration : 1 year)
  • Food and beverage sales(level 3) (Duration : 1 year) KCSE Mean Grade D-(minus ) and Below
  • Information Communication Technology(ICT Level 5)KCSE Mean Grade D(plain) (Duration : 1⅟2years)
  • Information Communication Technology(ICT Level 6)KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) (Duration : 2years )
  • Office assistance level 4KCSE Mean Grade D-(minus ) and Below (Duration : 6months)
  • Office assistance level 5KCSE Mean Grade D(plain) (Duration : 1⅟2 years)
  • Office assistance level 6 KCSE Mean Grade C-(minus) (Duration : 2 Yrs)

Why Study a CBET Course?

Graduates of the Maasai Mara Technical and Vocational College (MMTVC) CBET Program will typically help achievers in the following concepts.

    • Learners will achieve competencies required for the performance of their role as a trainer/instructor.
    • Learners  will be able to interpret occupational standards and use them for training needs analysis.
    • Participants will be able to develop training programmes using occupational standards.
    • Learners  will learn how to use different instructional methodologies to facilitate learning.

Applicants are invited from qualified candidates for the following courses during January, May and September intakes respectively.