Below is a list of courses offered by Maasai Mara Technical & Vocational college and their minimum entry grades. Upon meeting the minimum entry requirement, a student should proceed with the online application form to complete their course application. 

online application form

Personal details

Contact details

Course application details

select Course

Upload documents

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The year you sat for KCSE as indicated on the KCSE certificate or result slip
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a scanned copy of KCPE certificate in JPG or pdf format
The year that you sat for KCPE as indicated on your KCPE result slip
For students who need to proceed to the next academic Level. E.g Certificate to Diploma
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload any other academic qualifications Certificate
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Upload a scanned copy of your ID in JPG or PDF formats only
Pay Application Fee of Kshs 500 Via M-pesa Business Number: 522123 Account Number: 25078K Followed by your Name without Spacing Eg. 25078Kjohndoe

Details About How To Apply

If you would like to study in the college that focuses on changing the world for better tomorrow, you’re choosing the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. If you would like to study in the college of proffesionals.

Applicants are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 500/= 

The Application Process


Start the Online or Physical Submission

Download, and fill our our application forms at a fee of KShs. 500 only.


Submit The Form

Deliver the form to us or submit it online. The form must be received at a convenient date.


Review The Submission

Wait and if you would like to review the submitted application, get in touch with us.


Gather Necessary Documents

Gather Original and Copies of your documents as we process the interview. 


Interviewing Process

We review your qualifications upon our requirements, the process is short.


Last Decision

Upon successful completion of the process, we shall then inform you of our  decision.

Things To Know First

The Common Application is required for students applying to any or all of MMTVC’s courses. You’ll be able to choose your campus and programs that you are interested.

You will need :

  • Your academic qualifications. Our different courses have either KCSE, KCPE or any preceding requirements.
  • Personal and Medical records
  • Nonrefundable KES 500 application fee.

When To Apply?

  Application Period Intake
January Intake September – December January
May Intake December- April May
September Intake May – September  September

Where to submit necessary documents?

Documents not submitted through the online method can be mailed to:

P.O BOX 577- 20500 NAROK
Narok County, Kenya